QB80SH - All Stainless

QB80SH - All Stainless

The QB80S evaporator combines the successful 80 platform with the advantages of our SWEP All-Stainless™ products. Developed for systems demanding 100% stainless steel components, and for high temperature applications. They can be used with fluids that are corrosive to copper or for sensitive…



This ULTRA-COMPACT single circuit product is targeting minichiller and reversible Air-To-Water heat pumps. Large ports and innovative plate design enables an effective operating range up to 18 kW QD20 is delivering 30% less water pressure drop compared to similar products on the market SWEP’s…

QF80S - All Stainless

QF80S - All Stainless

The QF80S evaporator combines the successful 80 platform with the advantages of our SWEP All-Stainless™ products. Developed for systems demanding 100% stainless steel components, and for high temperature applications. They can be used with fluids that are corrosive to copper or for sensitive…



QN85 är en högeffektiv förångare som utvecklats för att tillgodose de ständigt växande kraven på effektiva värmepumpar. Det helt integrerade Q-rörsdistributionssystemet är optimerat för högeffektiva värmepumpar och är marknadens mest effektiva och mångsidiga produkt. QN85 kan fås med många olika…



S400T ingår i vårt sortiment med effektiva förångare. Den fungerar extremt effektivt vid höga kapaciteter och ger möjlighet till kompakta lösningar i krävande kylaggregatstillämpningar.



S500T är optimerad för att användas i mycket krävande kylaggregatstillämpningar. S500T är ett utmärkt val inom modulära kylaggregat för luftkonditionering i större faciliteter som t.ex. idrottshallar och varuhus.



SWEP Sealix®¹ is a new BPHE range that feature a protective layer on all inner surfaces of the BPHE, resulting in enhanced behavior in terms of metal leaching, scaling and corrosion while maintaining thermal and hydraulic performance. The SXB15T combines Sealix® features with excellent heat transfer…



SWEP Sealix®¹ is a new BPHE range that feature a protective layer on all inner surfaces of the BPHE, resulting in enhanced behavior in terms of metal leaching, scaling, fouling and corrosion while maintaining thermal and hydraulic performance. The SXB16DW is a double wall product that combines…



SWEP Sealix®¹ is a new BPHE range that feature a protective layer on all inner surfaces of the BPHE, resulting in enhanced behavior in terms of metal leaching, scaling and corrosion while maintaining thermal and hydraulic performance. The SXB25T combines Sealix® features with excellent heat transfer…



SWEP Sealix® is a new BPHE range that feature a protective layer on all inner surfaces of the BPHE, resulting in enhanced behavior in terms of metal leaching, scaling, fouling and corrosion while maintaining thermal and hydraulic performance. The SXB28 combines Sealix® features with a specially…



SWEP Sealix® is a new BPHE range that feature a protective layer on all inner surfaces of the BPHE, resulting in enhanced behavior in terms of metal leaching, scaling, fouling and corrosion while maintaining thermal and hydraulic performance. The SXB85 combines Sealix® features with a high thermal…



SWEP Sealix®¹ is a new BPHE range that feature a protective layer on all inner surfaces of the BPHE, resulting in enhanced behavior in terms of metal leaching, scaling and corrosion while maintaining thermal and hydraulic performance. The SXE8AS combines Sealix® features with excellent heat transfer…